Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two Crazy

Had a couple crazy dream things happen last night. The first was that within a minute of lying down for bedtime Denise got up to go to the bathroom. When she opened the bedroom door to come back to bed she woke me up from what seemed like a full length production of a dream! I wish I had written it down but a)I was so tired, and b)I was trippin that I had such a dream within minutes of passing out.

The other funny dream I had last night was closer to waking up this morning. I only really remember the end moments. I was playing in The Bangles as a keyboard and percussion player. When we got to the gig, the stage was jam packed with gear, I mean REALLY jam packed leaving only room to stand in one place and walk through a maze to get anywhere. The nutty part was that I was positioned in the back of the stage behind tons of gear. My 'rig' was set up in a rack sort of set up with keyboards above each other and the drums at the top; about eight feet high! I couldn't get up to them, but could just reach them with the sticks. To top it off I had no monitor or sound at all where I was, and could just barely hear enough from the front of the stage to try to follow along not really sure of what I was playing without being able to hear myself. We had no sound check, but were just sent on stage straight to playing. I could see the stage monitor sound guy well enough to give him the "what the hell is this" and " I can't hear anything" look while mouthing my thoughts to him. He was giving me the "what's your problem" and "I don't have time for you" look back.

End of dream. Woke up to my son punching me in the eye ball in his sleep (his little fist is just small enough to not catch any bone structure around my eye, and just get full eye ball contact).Now I have an ear ache in my eye. Ouch.

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